How it all started...
68 years ago two men had a vision to plant a church to impact lives and the community of Sumner
Working together and with their small congregation, a berry field on the corner of Silver and Boyd was selected to break ground and build the first portion of our existing facility.
Opening the doors in 1952. God has been faithful to Sumner Family Church and we continue to watch Him write the next chapters of our story. He has called us to invest ourselves in providing a place for people and families to be discipled and grow. When we say "make a difference by impacting lives today" we believe that every action from the smallest to the greatest can make an eternal impact in a person's life. When we say "together on the mission" we believe that people are the church and the church is the hope of the world.
Working together and with their small congregation, a berry field on the corner of Silver and Boyd was selected to break ground and build the first portion of our existing facility.
Opening the doors in 1952. God has been faithful to Sumner Family Church and we continue to watch Him write the next chapters of our story. He has called us to invest ourselves in providing a place for people and families to be discipled and grow. When we say "make a difference by impacting lives today" we believe that every action from the smallest to the greatest can make an eternal impact in a person's life. When we say "together on the mission" we believe that people are the church and the church is the hope of the world.

Make a difference by impacting lives today...
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and it is true and relevant to the life of every individual. We believe that prayer is direct communication with God and can change lives and circumstances.
Jesus summarized all of the commandments into two,
“so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy” (Mark 12:30 MSG) and “love others as well as you love yourself” (Mark 12:31 MSG). Commanding us to genuinely love people and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to those around us and in our sphere of influence.
We love God by honoring Him with our lives & pointing people to Him. We love people by being intentional and relevant in our efforts to impact lives with the great hope that only Jesus Christ can give.
We are committed to providing relevant discipleship tools that empower individuals for personal growth and strengthen family units to have healthy homes and continue in their spiritual growth.
Students are a vital part of the church today as well as the future leaders of our church. our community, our country, and our world. We believe that God has called us to invest ourselves in partnering with parents to build strong foundations based on the word of God.
Jesus summarized all of the commandments into two,
“so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy” (Mark 12:30 MSG) and “love others as well as you love yourself” (Mark 12:31 MSG). Commanding us to genuinely love people and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to those around us and in our sphere of influence.
We love God by honoring Him with our lives & pointing people to Him. We love people by being intentional and relevant in our efforts to impact lives with the great hope that only Jesus Christ can give.
We are committed to providing relevant discipleship tools that empower individuals for personal growth and strengthen family units to have healthy homes and continue in their spiritual growth.
Students are a vital part of the church today as well as the future leaders of our church. our community, our country, and our world. We believe that God has called us to invest ourselves in partnering with parents to build strong foundations based on the word of God.
Together on the Mission...
Life is not meant to be lived alone. Every person has value and plays a role at SFC in pursing our call to fulfill the Great commission. God has called us to be a voice of hope to our family, friends, co-workers and those in our sphere of influence. We have access to the only true hope of the world, Jesus, and look to share that hope at every opportunity. Working together to demonstrate God's love to all people. We are generous, investing our time, finances and resources in the next generation and providing resources for personal and family growth.
The church is PEOPLE. People who are unified, growing together and on the mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our world and to make disciples. We are leaving a legacy.
The church is PEOPLE. People who are unified, growing together and on the mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our world and to make disciples. We are leaving a legacy.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am.